“When I was incarcerated and on community status, I worked at Burger King. Alabama would take 60% of my check because I was the property of the state. Burger king was aware that we were incarcerated and knew much of that money would never reach us. I went without the entire time I was locked up, but my labor was constant. So many people have their hand in the cookie jar and profited off of my body, my labor, the bodies and labor of women I left behind. ”
Print this postcard and send Britt’s story to your Congressmember urging passage of the Abolition Amendment. Together we can abolish slavery for all.
“People I love are denied parole and kept in prison because their physical beings equal capital for so many wealthy people in America. It would mean everything to me to end the exception in our 13th amendment, because it could mean that so many people I love could possibly come home. ”